Real Fast Public Domain Buy Tony Laidig Daniel Hall

Dan Pena - Your First 100 Million

Real Fast Public Domain Tony Laidig Daniel Hall

Real Fast Public Domain Tony Laidig Daniel Hall

From the desks of Tony Laidig & Daniel Hall

What’s better…

Trading time for money?


Trading info products for money?

We can tell you from experience that it is far better to trade info products for money rather time.


Because there is only so much time in the day… 86,400 seconds to be exact… and once those seconds are gone they are gone forever. Therefore, earning is time-limited. And if you are smart you don’t want your earning to be limited in any way!

Here’s the important thing…

With info products you don’t have that limitation. In fact, with print on demand technology and automatic fulfillment THERE ARE NO LIMITS to how much you can sell and earn. The sky is the limit!

I know what you are thinking, “Yes, that sounds good but how much time will it take to create info products that sell?”

Great question… here’s the answer:

You can crank out high-quality, highly profitable info products faster than you ever thought possible when you know the secret. The secret is in knowing how to use public domain to produce info products fast!

For those of you who don’t know…

The public domain consists of works that aren’t protected by copyright or by other legal means. You are free to use public domain works however you wish, without seeking permission or paying royalties, because …

their copyrights have expired; or
the copyright owner didn’t follow certain required formalities (so they didn’t get a valid copyright); or
the works weren’t eligible for copyright in the first place; or
their creators dedicated them to the public domain.

Take a moment and let that sink in.

Basically, what you need to understand is that if a work is in the public domain you can use it in any way you wish, without asking for permission.

For example, you can publish a work “as is” without changing or adding to it. Or you can publish a take-off of the work by adding value to it (this is called a derivative work). Or you take the work which is in one format and publish it in a completely different format e.g., take a book and record it as an audio CD or mp3. The possibilities are endless.

Let us show you some real-life examples of public domain works that are currently selling and making money for their publishers.

The original 1937 edition of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is in the public domain. So what some smart info product creators did is create derivative works like The Think and Grow Rich Workbook.

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