Gmail Advertising Traffic Hijack

Gmail Advertising Traffic Hijack

Gmail Advertising Traffic Hijack

Gmail Advertising Traffic Hijack

Hi All

I found this on one of my hard drives the other day and thought i’d share it with you guys in V.i.P

The Name of the video course is E.S.P Traffic Hijack it is an old course but the information inside is killer!

It basically teaches you how to get your ads shown on gmail accounts with an insane twist!

The main reason i wanted to share this with you is because you may have noticed that the only places on gmail that are showing ads right now are in the promotions tab.

Which means that people who are setting up gmail ad campaigns are not putting in the special code to get their ads shown in the inbox!

Which means that if no one is configuring their ads properly the door is wide open for us to take full advantage of this at a considerably lower cost than normal adwords campaigns.

The E.S.P side taps into using conversational keywords to trigger ads in peoples gmails accounts.

Example: if your in the weight loss niche ( i know i know typical example ) lol

Your typical seed keyword would be “how to lose weight” but with the methods outlined in the course you would target something like ” trying to lose 10lbs before my holiday” or ” I hate my flabby arms” or “I wish i could lose the fat on my belly” you get the gist right?

basically it teaches you how to tap into conversations that people are already having in their gmail accounts and triggering an ad with the headline ” want to lose 10lbs before your holiday? click here now”

It’s a real clever tactic that you don’t see getting done on gmail anymore.

But that’s not the be all and end all of this strategy, stay with the video until the end and you get to see the real power in this strategy.

Like how to steal portions of other peoples lists from right under their noses by using their email adrress or physical address found in every canspam compliant email they send as keywords!

Crazy !

So if this still works, the doors are wide open and as far as I can tell nobody is using this strategy anymore because, hardly any ads are reaching inboxes in gmail !

I’m going to experiment with it myself when I have some time. Because if this still works… Boom !

Here’s the link to my dropbox, please don’t share outside V.I.P

Get this course at here:

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