Frank Kern and Ed Dale – Underachiever II

Mark Cunningham- Stage Hypnosis Home Study Course

Frank Kern and Ed Dale - Underachiever II

Frank Kern and Ed Dale – Underachiever II

“Find Out How Ed Dale and Frank Kern Taught This Rustic Cabin Dwelling, Tree Hugging Hippie in Oregon To Dominate The Niche Marketing Industry With Almost No Internet Knowledge At All.”

Ed Dale and Frank Kern have truly changed my life. I can’t believe I almost deleted myself off of Frank’s mailing list. Doing so would have been commiting online suicide. I’ve heard he doesn’t even allow people on that list anymore. Saying I’m lucky is truly an understatement.
Now I’m no longer the newbie in the bunch. In fact, I’ve parlayed this minor bit of success into a whirlwind of opportunities. Currently I’ve got a handful of very, very rich marketers hoping to team up with me. Why would some rich dudes be interested in me?
Because my mind is like a ticking time bomb that explodes with ideas every minute. I can’t stop brainstorming no matter what I do. Every time I walk into a business I’m thinking, “How could they make more money? How could they save money? How could they improve customer satisfaction?” It never stops with me. My brain works like it’s on amphetamines.
It’s this attitude that has been cemented into my head by Ed and Frank. I’m not so sure they meant to turn me into a marketing lunatic, but I’m extremely addicted. And that’s why people pay attention. People like to see others taking action. People like to see success stories. People like to know that average, everyday folks can do this stuff too.

Do you want to know why all this stuff happened to me?

It’s simply because I would not accept failure as a option. I was going to succeed no matter what. It didn’t matter to me that I didn’t know anything about computers. Nobody was going to stop me, or discourage me in any way possible. There was no going back. Success was the only option.
You see, when I first got on the internet I had almost nothing. I lived in a small shack in the woods with no plumbing, no bathroom, (ok it had a outhouse outside), no kitchen, no furniture, pretty much nothing. However I did have a few bags of clothes and a phone line. That phone line was all I needed. Without ever being on the internet I somehow knew that little phone jack was going to make me rich someday.
I didn’t really know where to start out, but having only $20 to my name I knew I had to start somewhere. So I started plugging away.
It would of been really helpful had I came across the Underachiever process much sooner. However, I learned an immense amount by making mistakes and running into roadblocks. I’m very thankful for all the errors I committed in my learning process.

But then it happened…….

I started getting those emails from Frank. Like I told you, at first I disregarded them as some bullshit spam. I had no idea who this guy was, and frankly, didn’t really care. The bottom line was, I didn’t believe anything he was saying. I thought he was full of it, and I wanted no part of what he was offering. Luckily something must of smacked me in the noggin and woke my dumb ass up a few months later.
This was the opportunity I had been waiting for, and it was sitting right in front of my face. Somehow I choose to ignore it. Some people never get to drive down the Yellow Brick Road. They simply pass it by and choose the bumpy potholed road instead. It’s just a matter of keeping your eyes and ears open to opportunity. Either you seize it, or you let it slip by. It’s a fairly basic choice.
I’ve found out that most people have a difficult time taking huge leaps in life. Many like things simple, plain, and unadventurous. This is all fine and dandy, but it probably won’t make any of them rich. If your not willing to travel the journey, you shouldn’t expect the ultimate prize. Regardless of what that ultimate prize is, journey’s are necessary in life. Spiritual, Emotional, and Educational Treks can lead you places that will forever change your outlook upon life. My ride as a Underachiever has opened my pupils to a whole new world. I’ve realized that I can take care of my family, buy a house, buy a new car, and have stability in my life by just opening my eyes.
One peek inside the Underachiever Lifestyle and it’s tough to go back. This stuff is like Lay’s Potato Chips. No one can have just one. This has been the most addicting, thrilling, and humbling experience to go through. I honestly wouldn’t change it for the world. (Ok I might bump up some sales just because I’m greedy).

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